Your Legacy in a Song #313
Your Legacy in a Song #313
Regardless of the genre, music resonates with each of us. At some point you’ve shed tears because a song caught you off guard or found joy while listening to a Christmas song. Did you know that on Facebook, there’s a company that can take your words from your wedding vows and put them into a song? I’m sure that we’ll see this Ad until Valentine's Day because people want to remember their love story and music helps us do that.
Choruses or melodies are also remembered. I bet if we were driving together and your favorite song from high school played on the radio, you’d still know the words. You’d probably know the words before the first lyric was sung. Music helps us remember.
I recently attended the viewing and funeral of a long-time teacher/coach. He was a man of great character who loved his family and lived his faith every day. His love of music was evident in the video loop and in the hymns at the funeral. From now on, every time I hear, “Wonderful grace of Jesus,” I will be reminded of Stan. Music touches our souls.
Our Lord enjoys music too. At church we sing praise/worship music or traditional hymns at every service. King David loved music so much that his Psalms are actually lyrics to songs. You may know part of one Psalm but if it were put to a beat, then you would remember all of it and probably sing it too. Music connects us to Him.
This week, God reminded me that the power of music or song can affect generations. In the book of Deuteronomy, chapters 31 & 32, God instructs Moses to write a song that speaks to the people before they go into the new land. A song about the greatness of God rescuing them from Egypt that it would be taught and put into their mouths so they could sing it for generations. This song would be a forever witness of God’s glory and the legacy of Moses. Music is on the tablet of our hearts.
We should write our own songs. God doesn’t need Moses to be the only one who writes a generational song. I get it, you may not always say the right things at the right times, but here’s your chance to write the lyrics of what you always wanted to say. This could be the song of your legacy that will be on people’s hearts and remembered for years to come. Music lasts for years.
In conclusion, God is our ultimate authority, but right now, you’re the physical authority in your family so if you want your guidance and wisdom to spread for generations, then put it in song, give them something else to remember. Start today, grab a pen and a notepad and write your legacy in a song. And who knows the musical loop that’s played one day at your viewing will be the words from your heart. Trust me, people won’t forget it. God’s asking you just like He did Moses to write your song!
Visit www.lighthouselegacies.com, and let’s create your legacy song. Also, listen to The Legacy for Christian Leaders podcast on your favorite platforms.