There He Goes Again… #310
There He Goes Again… #310
There’s a story about a bucket of crabs and the minute one crab tries to escape the other crabs team up to pull it back to the bottom. The only difference between the bucket and the boat in Matthew 14, is that Peter climbed out and made it to the water. Reading this story, I wonder if there was peer pressure to say no, sit down when Peter stood up or they said, “There he goes again.” I’m sure all the disciples were scared, holding on for dear life, seasick or even praying for God to quiet the storm. Whatever was happening, things changed once Peter climbed out.
Have you ever looked at this story and wondered if it was a test? Was it a test to see who in the boat trusted Jesus enough to leave it instead of staying in it? When God showed up that night, He answered their prayers even if eleven disciples would choose to stay in the boat. Peter passed the test though because he knew that his God was bigger than the storm.
I would not be surprised if when Peter started to climb over, the closest disciple crabbed his leg to pull him back. Except Peter didn’t need his friends' approval; he was going regardless of what they said or did. He took action, and Jesus still brought him back to the boat and calmed the storm as well.
We don’t know how far Peter walked on water before he started to sink but we do know what it feels like to watch a friend succeed outside of the boat when it could have been us. We wonder if we missed our opportunity because now, all we have is regret. We also can relate to the disciples who wanted to go but were too scared to leave their seats. I realize that you’re not grasping the edge of a boat literally but you might as well be if you’re constantly making excuses to stay in it rather than stepping out of it.
I believe God is calling you right now to do something you never thought you could do. Will you do it? Will you walk towards Him or will you cling to your seat never letting go? If you continue with the mindset of comfort or safety with no risk then the volume of the call will eventually dwindle keeping you on the seat when other tough decisions arise. God’s not calling you to skydive without a parachute, He just asking you to walk with Him during the storm. So box up your fear of ridicule, fear of losing control or fear of failing and carry it to the cross of Christ. Lay it at his feet, let go and He will give you the courage to step out.
We get one boat ride or one life and you can’t wait for the waves to die before stepping to the edge and climbing over. Do it now because if you don’t take one step soon, you’ll regret it, leaving you telling your grandchildren one day, “If I could only do it all over again, I would have _____.” So let the actions of your legacy be dependent on following the voice of the Lord regardless of the risk so that it will set a ripple in motion now and a huge wave later for generations to surf on. Step to the edge, step over and step out to live your best legacy today.
Contact me at www.lighthouselegacies.com to step over and step out to live your best legacy. Also listen to The Legacy for Christian Leaders podcast on your favorite platforms.