The Second Step is Easier - #309
The Second Step is Easier Than the First - #309
I love the story in Matthew 14, but I also know that thousands of sermons, books, and speeches have been given about Jesus walking on water. I think it’s popular because each of us desires to leave the boat and walk on water one day.
I see many themes in this story and how they apply to each of us, so this will be the first of many in a series. It should be a fun boat ride, so hop in, grab a seat cushion, and let’s push off.
The disciples had been fighting the wind and the waves for hours with little progress. At the brink of giving up, they thought they saw a ghost walking towards them, but it was no ghost. Jesus eased their fears and said, “Do not be afraid.” To make sure, Peter said, “IF it is you, command me to come to you.” I don’t know if Peter was prepared for the answer he was about to hear, it's like Jesus said, “Alright, come on out.”
As Peter unstrapped his sandals, minutes felt like seconds because the boat still felt safer than the water. He knew it was time to either put up or shut up. He looked at his friends and realized it was go time. On the first step, he hung onto the boat with a strong grip, but on the second, he had to let go and smiled, “I’m doing it!” It didn’t take long for Peter to take his eyes off the Lord and notice the waves when he began to sink. He cried out for help, and then Jesus reached into the water, grabbed him, and pulled him up, then asked, “Why did you doubt?”
If you remember, this was the second time that Peter got out of the boat to follow Jesus as he and his brother left the family fishing business to follow Him. Since that day, Peter had seen many miracles and listened to countless sermons and parables, yet he still doubted when he was in the water. I believe that Jesus knew that Peter and the disciples needed to be reminded of who He was and that following Him was a little risky and sometimes uncomfortable.
This story makes me think of my wife, Melissa. Years ago, she had a job she loved as our elementary school librarian. The schedule was good, she loved the kids, and the people she worked with and worked for. She even remembered the names of over 600 kids every year. Things were going smoothly, until the Lord called her out of the boat. God called her to enter the waves of medicine, but it wasn’t nursing. He had other plans.
Fast forward five years, she is now a birth doula, owns her own business, is a midwife assistant for home births and is a lactation consultant while also serving our family and grandchildren. Whew!! She trusted Christ to walk with Him then and continues to this day. For example, the waves were high this week when two moms gave birth at two different hospitals within twelve hours of each other. You know what, the Lord grabbed her hand once again in the middle of the night.
I don’t have to remind you that the waves around your boat may seem high right now, but I believe there’s something that’s drawing you to step out and take a chance. Here’s the truth, God knows you, He loves you and will rescue you, just like He did Peter. He also knows that you’ve been fear-resistant and risk-hesitant for far too long. So He’s willing to start small because He wants you to get your feet wet first. Don’t worry, He’ll call you to jump off the high-dive soon enough. Until then ask yourself, how is God asking you to step out of the boat today? Identify it then let go of the seat and take the first step.
Contact me at www.lighthouselegacies.com if you want to get out of your boat and live your best legacy. Also listen to The Legacy for Christian Leaders podcast for more.