Stand Out #315
Stand Out #315
Are you holding yourself back? Most people are hesitant to take risks, I know I am. It’s a funny pendulum because on one side people are telling you to stay safe, don’t fail, or follow the “company line.” Then on the other side, we celebrate famous actors, athletes, business tycoons, or social media influencers for standing out. We love to hear their rags-to-riches stories and seek their advice on how they made it. However, closest we get to taking a risk is the middle of the pendulum swing.
The Bible is filled with stories about people who took risks and followed God’s voice even when others disagreed. Moses left the riches of Egypt to help an Israelite then later heard, “Aren’t you the one who killed the Egyptian, and now you want to lead us, go away?” Then King David was just a lonely little shepherd boy who wasn’t even invited to the battle. When he showed up, his brothers tried to turn him away. Speaking of brothers, Joseph was sold into slavery by his. But his troubles didn’t end there, he was jailed twice before making the best out of nothing and escalating to the 2nd in command. Saul was at the top of his game, or so he thought, and would do anything to keep impressing others even if it meant hurting or killing followers of Christ. Little did he know that his chase for worldly acclaim would come crashing down on the way to Damascus. Years later, he, now named Paul, went on to preach the gospel to the Gentiles and write ¾ of the New Testament. Aren’t you glad he saw the light?
None of these men thought of leaving their comfortable lives before God called them to. Now, I know that Joseph wasn’t exactly comfortable in jail but he still chose to rise regardless of his circumstances or what Potiphar's wife claimed. I’m sure the other inmates harassed him too as he moved up. I’m positive that every famous person has rejected the mantra, “Go to college, find a job until you can retire. Then you can do what you want.” That’s just it, there will be always people in your life, not all, who will try to keep you safe, in their eyes.
There are countless people, who put their pants on the same way you do who have left what they knew, went against the grain, stepped out of the boat, and trusted God more than the world. I believe that God wants you to throw or sling the stone to kill your giant even if the world is trying to force you into armor that doesn’t fit. God may be asking you to lead others through their wilderness to a better place. Or maybe He’s calling you to help or “feed” one person that others tell you to stay away from.
Whatever it is, God has placed something on your heart for a reason but you’ll never know if you don’t go. God is asking you to stand out so others can stand up for themselves and follow you. I know that you and I are not Moses, David, or Paul, but that doesn’t mean we should cower or try to cover our talents any longer. What if Moses, Joseph, David, or Paul hadn’t trusted God and stepped out? Now, God would have used someone else, but He didn’t because He knew they would follow Him to the end of their journey. That’s what living your legacy is all about. Trusting God no matter what and standing out when the world asks you to stay put. So stop telling yourself things like, “What if I can’t,” instead ask yourself, “What if I don’t?”
When you get the answer, and the calling is too loud to ignore then shake the dust off your sandals and go be the person that God the Father sees in you, the one He created for this reason. You get one life so if you want to be remembered as the guy or gal who played it safe, then stay put. But if you want to teach others or your children to pick up a stone and throw it, then you have to do the same thing yourself. Take a risk. He’s been calling and He’s still waiting for you to change the world, so stand out.
Visit www.lighthouselegacies.com, and let’s create your legacy before it’s too late. Also, listen to The Legacy for Christian Leaders podcast on your favorite platforms.